News & Updates

Setup email footer

[Client's Request]


Also can you add the attached to the bottom of the sponsors on the Noticeboard emails the following: Please change Sponsored by to Sponsored by & Useful links

Then add the attached links. Let me know if too many or causes any issues.





Sponsored by & Useful links

Useful links

Online Shop -Uniforms, balls, bags, etc

Welcome Letter -Registration Info

Training Schedule

Basketball Game Draw

Gameday- Online,iPhone& Android

TeamApp - iPhone& Android

GeneralEnquires –

PaymentEnquires – If you have paid your registration ‘in full’ but arestill receiving ‘Amount Due’ emails, please allow 2 business days for paymentsto process before contacting us.

Blue Card Services– All club volunteers must have a QLD Govt Blue Card

Rebel Active Membership- Sign up for a Rebel Active Membership and link it to RuncornRockets next time you’re instore. You’ll get special member offers andour club will receive 5% of your purchases to spend on equipment for everyoneto enjoy!

Hope this helps